Foundation Casa de Luz
Volunteer PERSPECTIVE Service Teams

We are thrilled you are considering participating on a short-term mission trip to Honduras.  We have titled our short-term mission trips "PERSPECTIVE Service Teams" out of a desire for participants to gain a fresh perspective on God's activity within the nation of Honduras and how team participants can join God in what He is actively doing among the people of Honduras. We pray God will clearly guide and direct you as you pray about this trip.  Below are some things which may help you as you prepare and pray.

  • Participants need a valid passport, which will not expire within 6 months of the day of travel.
  • Participants must have a current Tetanus immunization.
  • It is mandatory that each participant carry Medical Insurance for the trip.  The insurance must provide a minimum of $25,000 Emergency Medical Airlift as part of the coverage.  Typically, this insurance can be acquired for about $2.00 per day per person.
  • It is suggested, but not mandatory, to have current Hepatitis A and B immunizations
  • There is NO age limit for participants of a Volunteer Perspective Service Team.  Any minor not traveling with BOTH parents must have a Notarized letter from the non-traveling parent or parents, granting permission for the minor to travel with an adult member of the team.  If neither parent is traveling with the minor, a mature adult (over 25 years of age) on the team must assume responsibility for the minor.
  • Participants will be requested to complete a general medical history form.
  • While you are in Honduras, there are a few cultural issues of which we ask you to be sensitive.  Use of tobacco products and consuming alcoholic beverages are not viewed favorably by the more conservative Honduran community.  As guests in the country of Honduras, we do not wish to offend nor make a hindrance for the purity of the Gospel to be shared.  Therefore, we respectfully request you refrain from smoking, using tobacco products or consuming alcoholic beverages while serving with our ministry in Honduras.
  • We are praying for a wonderful time of service while in Honduras.  It is a rare event to have a serious conflict arise during a short-term mission trip.  However, participants will be dismissed from the short-term team and be required to return to the U.S., at their own expense, should ministry leadership determine that the safety of others, the reputation of the ministry or the integrity of the Gospel message is being intentionally compromised by a team participant.
  • Praying for your time in Honduras is the most important thing you can do to prepare for your trip.  We are praying God will give you a passion and burden for the people of Honduras as you spend time in His presence through prayer.
  • Come with a heart to learn, discover, serve and gain a fresh perspective!
  1. Jeans, khakis, or some type of durable work pant (no shorts on the work site please)
  2. Comfortable work shoe/boot, that can get muddy or wet
  3. Sandal or flip flop for bathing
  4. Socks & underclothing
  5. Sleepwear, suitable to be in a group environment
  6. Modest and tasteful swimwear (if water activity is planned)
  7. Light windbreaker or sweatshirt
  8. Cotton work t-shirts for daytime work (no tank tops on the work site please)
  9. Set of clothes for church
  10. Skirts or dresses can be worn that fall BELOW the knee
  11. Capris can be worn that fall BELOW the knee
  12. Set of clean clothes to travel home in
  13. Rain jacket or poncho, if coming May through November
  14. Backpack or Day Pack to carry your lunch and personal items daily
  15. Personal Toiletries & Medications & Simple First Aid items
  16. Passport (and Notarized letter if a minor)
  17. Camera
  18. Flashlight with batteries
  19. Batteries for any device which takes them…typically, you will not have opportunity to purchase more
  20. Bible, journal to record your experiences and a pen
  21. Water Bottle (empty) and any favorite snacks you desire
  22. Paperwork required by your team leader or the ministry
  23. Work gloves and dust masks for cement work
  24. Hand sanitizer
  25. ONE PERSON ON THE TEAM should bring a clean Flash Drive so that your missionary hosts can load all the photos and video of your team onto the flash drive to take home for your group to share
WHAT TO PACK? Here are the basics:

Copyright © 2022 Foundation Casa de Luz

Foundation Casa de Luz
Volunteer PERSPECTIVE Service Teams
WHAT TO PACK? Here are the basics:

Volunteer PERSPECTIVE Service Teams
WHAT TO PACK? Here are the basics:
Volunteer PERSPECTIVE Service Teams
WHAT TO PACK? Here are the basics: